Saturday, August 30, 2008

mojo rising

In an age of $120 per barrel oil prices, the Mix @ Monterey represents a 21st century solution to architecture + sustainable development. This eco friendly, in-fill project will showcase environmentally responsible mixed-use development that reflects our current global economic and climatic condition.

The Mix @ Monterey will set the local pace of energy efficient design by incorporating a host of sustainable features, including natural day-lighting, passive solar heating, cool roof technology, as well as SLO's first architecturally-integrated photovoltaic solar panel system, which celebrates sustainable design technology as an integral component of the building's exterior architecture.

Tree-hugging capitalism....can it be?  Interested in more?  Then visit and give us a shout-out.  BTW, free prize to the first savvy blogger who deciphers the mojo acronym.


Linda Z said...

Very innovative, Mr. Garcia. :)

Mo(nterey) + Jo(hnson)= MOJO??

g2 said... I know who wears the pants...and the Z household. Nice work...Exclusive architectural prize heading your way...and do NOT share with your husband!

Daniel said...

Not sure if anyone has mentioned it... but you HAVE to put a Chipotle in the bottom of that building. It already looks like it's designed for it!

g2 said...

Daniel...I sense you are a prophet! Please feel free to email Chipotle corporate and tell them to book the gig!

Anonymous said...

MOJO= Monterey + Johnson...that is almost as good as Marpomo...the name that didn't stick to the richardson properties project. can't say 'vaquero' is a whole lot better.

Daniel said...

yeah... emailed corporate under a few different names. not sure if it will help but I personally would love a Chipotle in town. Here's hoping!